Monday, January 1, 2024

Let's Talk About | AEW Worlds End

The hiatus is over.

AEW Content has returned, the "Let's Talk About" series that began with WWE conversations, will now also include AEW, perhaps the two will merge into one website, stay tuned. 

In regards to World's End, we are not going to talk about every match, otherwise we will be here for a while, we will just focus on the key moments from the show, no disrespect to any of the talent on the roster that do not get mentioned here. 

Keith Lee was originally scheduled to take on Swerve Strickland, however, Dustin Rhodes took Lee's place, who unfortunately picked up an injury, speedy recovery to the Limitless One. 

Toni Storm is still the AEW Women's Champion after defeating Riho, the next challenger for the title could be Monè.

Julia Hart.successfully defended the TBS Championship after defeating Abadon in a House Rules Match.

Christian Cage vs. Adam Copeland was a class match, even though there were some botched moments involving tables. Copeland winning was the right call, the part that didn't make any sense, to me anyway, was, why did Killswitch wait until the match was over to make an appearance, he could have attempted to help Cage.

Instead, we saw Killswitch reluctantly hand Christian the contract for a title opportunity, which is the company's version of Money In The Bank. Christian won back the TNT Championship. 

Congratulations to Eddie Kingston, who won the Continental Classic Final against Jon Moxley, for the inaugural American Triple Crown Championship. 

The main event of Worlds End was MJF vs. Samoa Joe for the AEW Championship, there was talk of whether or not we would see the reveal of The Devil, Adam Cole was in MJF's corner with crutches. Joe won by putting an injured MJF to sleep, people in the crowd were very surprised by the abrupt ending to the match, congratulations to Joe on winning the Championship. 

The members of The Devil's faction appeared and attacked Cole and MJF, after the lights went off and were on again in the arena, the Devil himself was finally revealed, it was Adam Cole (Bay-Bay!) 

The mystery members were: Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett and Wardlow, who attacked MJF once again, Cole then took out the Devil Mask from his pocket and confirmed he was the leader, which, to be honest, was something that us, the fans that have watched the show, knew he was to begin with. 

Thanks for checking out the content, be sure to check out the archives on this website.

For WWE Content, click HERE

Saturday, May 27, 2023


After much thought and consideration, this blog will unfortunately be going on hiatus, simply because it has been impossible as of late to cover Pay-Per-Views on Sunday nights.

Thank you so much for visiting this website and checking out the content. 

Be sure to check out WWE Content by clicking HERE

Thursday, March 2, 2023

AEW Revolution 2023 | The Review

Welcome back to the blog, it was a great night of professional wrestling, let's take a look at the night's action from the Chase Center in San Francisco.

Mark Briscoe & The Lucha Brothers (Penta Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) defeated Ari Daivari & The Varsity Athletes (Josh Woods & Tony Nese) on the Zero Hour kick off show. 

The first contest of the pay per view was Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Starks, the stipulation being the Jericho Appreciation Society were banned from Ringside. Sammy Guevara tried to sneak in to help Jericho, however, his plans were quickly ended by Action Andretti. Jericho struck Starks with a baseball bat while the referee was distracted, referee distractions happen a lot in this company, respectfully, we've seen it time and time again, not only on pay per views, on Dynamite as well, it's comical at this point, back to the match, Starks blocked the Judas Effect and countered with the Rochambo for win. 

After many months of going from allies to bitter enemies, it was time for "Jungle Boy" and Christian Cage to finally settle their differences, or should I say bury? to be honest, this was a standard match, nothing special really, Jungle Taker was born as he picked up the win after closing the lid on Christian and this feud. 

Congratulations to The House of Black for becoming the NEW Trios Champions, a much anticipated match that truly delivered, it is time for the Young Bucks and Kenny Omega to move on to the Tag Team Championship and World Championships divisions. 

Jamie Hayter defeated Saraya and Ruby Soho to remain AEW Women's Champion, during the post match fight, Ruby threw out Saraya and Toni Storm out of the ring and took out Hayter and Baker to officially align herself with Saraya and Toni Storm. Ruby's destination is no longer unknown. 

It was now time for the Texas Death match, the show was not even held in Texas. Adam Page walked out with new entrance music, here are the best moments there was a lot going on, there was blood and barbed wire in the early going of the match, we saw bloodshed by both competitors. Mox trapped Page in the triangle choke and hit him in the head with a fork. Mox threw Page in the corner into the barbed wire wrapped chair, followed by a submission by Mox onto the chair, there was a Powerbomb by Page to Mox onto the top of the barbed wire steel chairs, Page wrapped himself in the wire and proceeded to hit a moonsault to Mox. Page hit Mox with a brick followed by a Buckshot Lariat to Mox's throat, Mox tapped out while being strangled by a chain. 

Congratulations to Wardlow for winning the TNT Championship once again via submission against the great Samoa Joe. Powerhouse Hobbs will challenge the new champion next. The TNT championship has been accused of being a "hot potato" it's not against the realms of possibility that the title changes hands when Wardlow and Hobbs meet. Samoa Joe will perhaps move on to feuds in Ring of Honor, we shall see. 

Austin & Colten Gunn are still tag team champions. FTR returned while the Gunns cut a promo. 

The 60 Minute Iron Man Match for the AEW Championship between champion MJF and challenger, Bryan Danielson ended three falls apiece, the crowd yelled bullsh*t and wanted to see a winner, they got their wish and we went to Sudden Death. Danielson thought he picked up the win after he thought MJF had officially tapped out which allowed MJF to crawl to the floor and hit Danielson with a nearby oxygen tank. MJF made Danielson tap out moments later to remain the Champion. 

That is it for the review, hope you enjoyed the read, be sure to check out the archives on this website and click HERE for WWE content.  

Monday, December 12, 2022

AEW Dynamite | Winter Is Coming

Disclaimer: The following AEW Dynamite Winter Is Coming review will focus on the scheduled matches only, as if it was a pay per view.

We began with Match Four of the Best of Seven Series for the Trios Championships. 
Death Triangle (c) vs. The Elite 
Nick Jackson was injured early on and returned to the match. Penta hit him with a hammer, Jackson tapped out from Rey Fenix's Ankle Lock. Death Triangle go 3-1 up. 

Kenny Omega challenged Death Triangle to a No Disqualification Match, it will take place next week on Dynamite. This series is destined to go to Match Seven, hopefully we will see something new in the remaining contests, its pretty much been a spot fest, there's nothing wrong with that, we, the audience want things to be fresh and not formulaic, its not just an AEW thing, it's all companies really, you tend to know what is going to happen, when it is going to happen when you've been watching a program for a certain amount of time.  

"Jungle Boy" Jack Perry defeated Brian Cage via a roll up, he called out Big Bill (aka Big Cass) Stokley Hathaway cut a promo, Lee Moriarty and Bill took out Jungle Boy, until Hook made the save. 

The House of Black (Brody King, Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black) quickly defeated The Factory (Nick Comoroto, Aaron Solo & Cole Karter) in their first Trios match since they returned.  

Action Andretti defeated Chris Jericho, this was a great match, the crowd reaction here to Andretti's surprise win over one of greatest wrestlers of all time was a nice moment.

Let's see what is next for Andretti, we have seen stories like this before which end up going nowhere.

Ruby Soho defeated Tay Melo, Soho got some revenge after suffering a nose injury from Melo at All Out earlier this year. 

Anna Jay attacked Ruby Soho after the match. 

In the words of Mark Henry, it is now time for the main event, the Winner Takes All Match for the Dynamite Diamond Ring & AEW World Championship.
MJF defeated Ricky Starks to remain champion, after hitting Starks with a low blow while the referee was distracted, followed by a roll up. 

Bryan Danielson ran out to chase down MJF, that looks set to be the next feud for the Championship after MJF took out William Regal weeks ago. 

Danielson raised Starks's hand in the air before the show closed out. 

In all honesty, despite the build, Winter Is Coming was decent, with some very predictable outcomes, there was a run-in by someone in nearly every match/scenario, including referee distractions, they need to relax with that and be more creative.

The next AEW pay per view is in March so there will be plenty of storyline progression between now and then, let's see how things play out. 

Be sure to check out past reviews on this website and WWE content by clicking HERE

Monday, September 12, 2022

AEW Dynamite | Grand Slam 2022 | Review-ish

AEW Dynamite Grand Slam took place from The Arthur Ashe Stadium, the home of the US Open, let's take a look at the key moments of this episode. 

The ROH Championship Match between Claudio Castagnoli & Chris Jericho kicked off the night, the crowd was awesome, both the champion and challenger got great ovations at the start of the contest, the crowd were off their seats throughout, Jericho struck Claudio with a low blow while the referee wasn't looking and hit the Judas Effect for the win to become the NEW Ring of Honor Champion.

There are questions about ROH which need to be asked, why are the World, Pure and Tag Titles defended on AEW shows? why don't they have a TV deal? there have to be answers to these questions soon enough.

Swerve in Our Glory (Strickland & Keith Lee) put the Tag Team Championships on the line against The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) in a much anticipated rematch from All Out, the tag champions had mixed reactions for their individual entrances whereas The Acclaimed were cheered  loudly, the crowd really wanted Max and Anthony to win what was a fantastic match, did they get their wish? in the closing stages, Swerve got a near fall on Max, he then confronted Billy Gunn ringside and was hit with a fame-asser leading to a mic drop from Max Caster as he and Bowens became the NEW AEW Tag Team Champions.


MJF interrupted Wheeler Yuta and Tony Schiavone on the entrance stage in what was a very entertaining promo until MJF and Yuta got into a fight.

Pac was victorious against Orange Cassidy to remain the All-Atlantic Champion, the crowd was quiet to begin with and gradually got into this after the picture and picture commercial break, to quote Jim Ross, business picked up. Pac hit Cassidy outside of the ring with the ringbell hammer and threw Cassidy back into the ring and covered him for the 1,2,3 

Toni Storm is still the Interim Women's Champion after winning the Fatal Four Way Match by pinning Britt Baker with the Crucifix. Britt attacked Storm to a chorus of boos until Jamie Hayter ran down and appeared to make the save until she got involved in the attack, Serena Deeb helped them out, things were brought to a halt when the music of a new addition to the roster hit, which turned out to be Saraya, also known as Paige from WWE. She was greeted with a shock reaction, as Britt Baker and co looked on in amazement, we've seen debuts/surprises in the past which have fizzled out over time, let's see if this follows the same path. 

To quote Mark Henry, it was now time for the main event. Blackpool Combat Club member Jon Moxley vs. fellow member Bryan Danielson for the vacant title as MJF watched the guys battle in the ring from the press box, whilst holding the Casino Battle Royal chip, the match was physical as expected. Moxley put Danielson to sleep to become the NEW AEW Champion, there seems to be some drama in the Blackpool Combat Club because Danielson looked angry while grabbing the title from William Regal's hands before the show closure. 

Grand Slam was a good show, however the picture in picture nonsense has to stop to be honest with you, until the next time, thanks for reading. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Double or Nothing 2022 | The Review-ish

Welcome back to the blog for Elite wrestling content, the fourth edition of Double or Nothing took place in Las Vegas, Nevada during Memorial Day Weekend, let's run through the key events of the pay-per-view.

Wardlow defeated MJF in the opening match of the night, there were a lot of rumours about MJF circulating across all social media leading to this night, perhaps him being put on a stretcher and carried out by doctors and so on, is a way to divert attention from the real life situation (if there even is one) just an observation. 

The Hardys vs. Young Bucks was an outstanding tag team match, I was actually surprised there weren't many near falls, which is something that is associated with the Bucks, it felt like a throwaway match because nothing prestigious was on the line. 

Jade Cargill's unbeaten run is now 32-0 after picking up victory against Anna Jay, to remain the TBS Champion, we saw some "surprise" debuts from the former Malcolm Bivens and Ember Moon, there have been many debuts in the past, let's see how these play out, in terms of creative booking. 

The House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) defeated Death Triangle (Pac, Penta Oscuro and Ray Fenix) after Julia Hart appeared after the lights turned back on, she blew mist in the face of Pac, who was hit by Black Mass by Malaki, for the three count, the creative really needs to stop with the lights out, lights on scenario, it has become very boring to watch. 

Congratulations to Adam Cole and Britt Baker D.M.D for winning the Men's and Women's Owen Hart Foundation Tournaments, they were awarded title belts and the cup by Martha Hart.

Ethan Page, Scorpio Sky and Paige VanZant defeated Frankie Kazarian, Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti in a standard six person tag match, the stipulation was, if they lost, neither Kazarian or Guevara will be allowed to challenge for the TNT Championship as long as Sky is champion.

Kyle O'Reilly defeated Darby Allin, while it was a good match, it probably should have been on a episode of Dynamite or Rampage. 

Thunder Rosa successfully defended her AEW Women's Championship against Serena Deeb, let's see what is next for the two going forward.

The Anarchy in the Arena Match between Jericho Appreciation Society and Blackpool Combat Club, along with Eddie Kingston, Santana and Ortiz was over the top, something the crowd also seemed to enjoy, at least they were entertained by this.

The Jurassic Express remain the Tag Team Champions after winning the triple threat against Keith Lee and Swerve and Hobbs and Starks, it looked like Christian was about to turn heel during the celebrations but that never materialised. 

In the main event, CM Punk defeated Hangman Page to become the NEW AEW Champion, this was the only title which changed hands during the four hour plus pay-per-view, it has to be said Page's reign was stale, perhaps we will see a darker side to his character as time goes on. 

Apologies for not talking more about this event, the recent weeks have been busy, this week seems to be going the same route, also, if you are a WWE fan, click HERE for Hell in a Cell content and more.  

Monday, March 7, 2022

AEW Revolution 2022 | Honest Review-ish

We are hours removed from the the pay-per-view, it is now time to review the show itself, with honest opinions included, below are the buy in match results, followed by the review-ish, enjoy the read. 

Buy in Results 

Leyla Hirsch defeated Kris Statlander. 

Hook defeated QT Marshall. 

Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews defeated PAC, Penta Oscuro & Erick Redbeard. 

Main Card Matches Review-ish
Eddie Kingston finally won the "big one" against Chris Jericho, congratulations to him on that achievement, I genuinely mean that, what is more impressive is he did that with no help from Santana & Ortiz. 

Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus are still your tag team champions, overcoming the challenge from Young Bucks and Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly, if I am being honest, the AEW booking team gave away the winner of this match from the recent episode of Rampage, after Luchasaurus stopped Kyle playing air guitar with the title belt.

Wardlow won the Face of the Revolution Ladder match, he managed to grab the Sonic the Hedgehog Ring in order to earn a future title opportunity for the TNT Championship, I've seen many Ladder Matches over the years, this wasn't anything unique that hasn't been seen before, credit to the participants for putting on a quality match, however, it must be said, Keith Lee looks like he is losing star power already and is going to be lost in the shuffle, unless the creative team pushes him towards the main title picture.

Shane Strickland is now All Elite. AEW is now "Swerve's House" it will be interesting to see who he wrestles on his debut match. 

Jade Cargill has taken her undefeated run to 29-0 after defeating Tay Conti to remain TBS Champion, Conti has been portraying heel like characteristics as of late, perhaps this is the start of her going in a new direction alongside Anna Jay. 

The Dog Collar Match between CM Punk & MJF was a slow burner, until the closing moments, where Wardlow finally turned against his Pinnacle team mate and went on to kind of help Punk pick up the win, the match series is now at one win apiece, it would be cool if Punk vs. MJF 3 was for the AEW Championship at a later time. Very much looking forward now to seeing how MJF vs. Wardlow plays out over the weeks and months, possibly starting this Wednesday Night. 

Danielson vs. Moxley was fantastic, both guys went into this one wanting to hurt each other in a competitive way, it is a shame the crowd did not really get invested here as much as other matches on the show, to be fair, the match took place nearly three or more hours into the show, so there is that aspect, however, they and myself included watching at home, were surprised to see former NXT General Manager, William Regal appear and seemingly form Bryan and Mox into a future team, something we would love to see. 

The Co-Main Event was the trios tag match, the question was, could Sammy and Darby co-exist? just kidding, they, along with Sting, picked up the win over Andrade, Isiah Kassidy and Matt Hardy, after Darby hit a miss-timed "Coffin Drop" on Matt Hardy, who seems close to splitting up from Andrade and Kassidy, thus re-uniting with his brother Jeff, as early as this Wednesday, depending on when his no compete expires. 
Adam Page vs. Adam Cole in the main event was decent, Hangman's title run has been okay so far, defeating his namesake here will definitely boost his credibility going forward, in terms of what is next for Bay-Bay? hopefully we will see him along with Fish and O'Reilly take on Omega and Young Bucks in a story, leading to a six man tag in May. 

Let's Talk About | AEW Worlds End

The hiatus is over. AEW Content has returned, the "Let's Talk About" series that began with WWE conversations, will now also i...